Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Okay, this is the kind of stuff Hanna is always coming up with! She put the dog's leash around her waist and let Elijah drag her around the house while she barked like a doggie


Blogger The Vossen Family said...

If Hanna starts craving dogfood, you might have a problem!

9:09 PM

Blogger Aunt Kim said...

It's a good thing you didn't think of that when we were little...although, you did think of the good old game of "horsie." Remember the jump rope around the waist? I do! Resulted in a nice scar over my right eye!

6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Kim beat me to the punch! The first think I thought of was the "horsie" incident! What fun!
Love to all! Grandma Connie

10:51 AM


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